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Broadband Filters & Dark Sky Sites
Telescope Reviews: IDAS LPS-V3 Nebula filter?
- ..almost everything else. Broadband filters provide some mild increase in.. ..broadband LPR filters on scopes from 80mm aperture on-up. Visually, they almost never darken things too.. .."Light Pollution Reduction" broadband filters than a narrowband one like the Lumicon UHC. A "true" narrowband.. - ndex11 http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/2...
Telescope Reviews: Light Pollution Filter Info
- ..Viewing Deep-sky Objects Broadband "light pollution" filters are intended to work for a variety of.. ..(broadband) filters are designed to knock out some of the bands that originate from unwanted light.. ..auroral displays. Simple broadband filters take out the OI line quite nicely, as well as the.. ..have found the broadband filters to be of some use.. - ndex13 http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/2...
Telescope Reviews: IC405 & 410 widefield
- ..than true nb filters, but much narrower than a broadband filter, such as a P2. So,.. ..to use a broadband filter for moonless nights, and nb filters for full moon nights, but then.. ..efficiently, with more broadband filters, so, my thought was for the wanning or waxing moon night.. - ndex5 http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/3...
Telescope Reviews: Broadband filters, GCE
- ..Broadband filters, GCE [Re: MattT ] # 2927255 - 02 14 09 12:07 PM Edit Reply.. ..of the other broadband filters, as its wide sloping notch still.. ..Beatrice, Nebraska Re: Broadband filters, GCE [Re: MattT ] # 2927481 - 02 14 09 02:23.. ..SF Bay Area Broadband filters, GCE # 2927107 - 02 14 09 10:51 AM Edit Reply.. - ndex12 http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/2...
Telescope Reviews: Obsession 15" in the red zone?
- ..Yes. Not premium filters, but I have them. The broadband is almost worthless the UHC and.. ..set of deepsky filters, broadband, UHC and OIII. Yes... ..set of deepsky filters, broadband, UHC and OIII. You may very well find an Hbeta while.. - ndex18 http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Board/re...
Telescope Reviews: Experiences with skyglow and LPR filters?
- ..Quick Reply Are broadband filters useful at all for extremely low power widefield observing in small.. ..Reply Quote: Are broadband filters useful at all for extremely low power widefield observing in small.. ..broadband filters for many reflection nebulae (NGC 7023 comes to mind, along with the mixed emission.. ..of the other broadband filters. As for the OIII filter, the improvement will depend on the.. - ndex12 http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/3...
Telescope Reviews: "Lumicon Galaxy" filter?
- ..the Lumicon Deep-sky (broadband) and Lumicon UHC (narrowband) filters, which were followed with the introduction of.. ..some of the broadband filters can help a little bit. But not nearly as much as.. ..the Lumicon Deep-sky (broadband) and Lumicon UHC (narrowband) filters, which were followed with the introduction of.. ..III and H-Beta filters. If the filter says.. - ndex13 http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Board/Ey...
Telescope Reviews: Best filters for big city light pollution
- ..various narrow and broadband filters I've used, and I probably have slightly less.. ..various narrow and broadband filters I've used, and I probably have slightly.. ..various narrow and broadband filters I've used, and I probably have slightly less light pollution than.. - ndex16 http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/5...
Telescope Reviews: Broadband Narrowband question
- ..the use of broadband filters to be very subtle if any difference. However, I notice better.. ..significant skyglow, the broadband filters can lose some of their effectiveness. For.. ..significant skyglow, the broadband filters can lose.. ..Thousand Oaks Type-1 broadband, and the Astronomik CLS. However, the enhancement is often rather subtle, and.. - ndex11 http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/4...
Telescope Reviews: Clueless on filters?
- ..filters. Extremely useful on a very small class of objects. # Broadband "light pollution" filters. Marginally useful at best, counterproductive at.. ..filters. Extremely useful on a limited class of objects. Broadband "light pollution" filters. Marginally useful at best, counterproductive at.. ..Quote: # Nebula filters. Extremely useful on a very small class of objects. # Broadband "light pollution" filters. Marginally useful at best, counterproductive at.. - ndex16 http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/5...
Telescope Reviews: Broadband filters and galaxies
- ..Broadband filters and galaxies [Re: RichA ] # 4833370 - 09 29 11 02:20 AM Edit.. ..broadband filters and galaxies · Get a Cloudy Nights T-Shirt · Submit a.. ..Sacramento suburbs Re: Broadband filters and galaxies [Re: RichA ] # 4833243 - 09 29 11.. ..Beatrice, Nebraska Re: Broadband filters and galaxies [Re: joelimite ] # 4832465 - 09 28 11.. - ndex11 http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/4...
Telescope Reviews: Broadband Filters for City Observing?
- ..Beatrice, Nebraska Re: Broadband Filters for City Observing? [Re: JayKSC ] # 3382262 - 10 10.. ..10 05 Re: Broadband Filters for City Observing? [Re: rmollise ] # 3382674 - 10 10.. ..Loc: Florida Re: Broadband Filters for City Observing? [Re: rmollise ] #.. ..Plop, WNY Re: Broadband Filters for City Observing? [Re: Joe Lalumia ] # 3382806 - 10.. - ndex12 http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/3...
Telescope Reviews: LPR- Light polution reduction, does it work?
- ..observing , the broadband filters are of very limited use compared to a .. ..reflection nebulae, the broadband filters are the ones of choice, as can be seen for objects.. ..observing , the broadband filters are of very limited use compared to a narrowband filter. This.. ..under light pollution, broadband filters still can provide an increase in.. - ndex11 http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/2...
Hutech Astronomical Products - Light Pollution Suppression (LPS) Filters
- ..the light from broadband sources even more than filters designed.. ..light pollution suppression filters to the same degree. In general, broadband sources (galaxies, clusters, stars, or reflections.. ..headlights are still broadband sources and will not be effectively blocked. Filters increase exposure times . While light.. ..filters designed for balanced color photography. Filters will block all light pollution . This is not.. - ndex1 http://www.sciencecenter.net/hutech/tokai/lps2.htm
Telescope Reviews: Light pollution filter...
- ..can observe. The Broadband and UHC filters serve me very well and I recommend them, whatever.. ..and help with broadband filters. As someone who lives in a large.. ..and help with broadband filters. I recomend the Broadband filter . Post.. ..choose. For other filters, such as O-III, contact.. - ndex11 http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/4...